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We are CoolAnt.

by blending art and science.
by combining tradition & technology.
with nature based solutions.
without air conditioning.
by blending art and science.
We help buildings #beattheheat

We help your buildings

Our Mission

What if our buildings are both Purposeful & Meaningful?

."Billions of tons of plastic are entering our oceans everywhere, and harmful emissions are causing climate changes and global warming. Cooling is a necessity now, and the least we should try and do is not to let this necessity warm our planet.

A common problem with the products that we see around us is that they are designed without a thought of the complete lifecycle of the product and how it impacts us as a civilization in the long run.

We at CoolAnt aim to look at the necessity of thermal comfort holistically. There is a huge potential if we can intertwine our traditional systems with the modern advancements in material science and technology. Our processes are carefully & thoughtfully designed to have the least impact on the environment during the manufacturing process, usage and after the product’s life cycle.

Like ants that work with earth and create beautiful ant hills that are climatically sensitive and sophisticated, we aspire to provide the world with CoolAnt, a simple solution made by earth, that is both effective and artistic. Solutions like building envelope cooling and personal cooling will be game changers for future generations.
On behalf of the Ants, we thank you all for being part of our journey.  

Our journey of cooling the Earth using Earth

1 Bn.

air conditioners required by 2050

100 Mn.

tonnest of CO2 released every year

100 Mn.

of plastic waste produced every year


of energy in building used by AC

We stand for sustainability

The air-conditioners used in the building sector consume about 40% of electricity generated. In India, it is expected to increase to 76% by 2040 (CSE, 2014). Booming real estate and infrastructure development across all major sectors is resulting in a steep rise in energy demand, from refrigeration to air-conditioning systems.The world is set to urbanise rapidly. Unless we build correctly, we are going to create huge resource and energy shortages. The need of the hour is not just to mitigate future changes to our climate, but to work together to adapt and to plan for the changes to come.

Meet the Ants

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